Tuesday, January 31, 2017

CCIE SPv4 - MPLS Traffic Engineering - TE Attributes - Priority

Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
In this post we will focus on TE attribute - Priority. By default, priority is set to 7/7, 7 for the setup and 7 for the hold, which happens to mean that 7 is the lowest priority level, a TE tunnel with a priority 6 or higher will override the priority 7 tunnel. The 7 for setup is basically it initial launch, the 7 for hold is if this tunnel is up and another tunnel with a higher priority needs the bandwidth, the lower priority wins. 

We'll configure a TE tunnel, TE tunnel 3, which will have a priority of 6 and 6. This should disable the other tunnel with a high priority value in favor of this tunnel.

%MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 3_3958: DOWN: path error
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun3: installed LSP nil for 3_3958 (popt 3), path error
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun3: LSP path change nil for 3_3958, path error
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun3: installed LSP 3_3959 (popt 3) for nil, got 1st feasible path opt
%MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 3_3959: Path Error from Admission control Failure: Requested bandwidth unavailable (flags 0)

This output indicates that the requested bandwidth is not available.

interface Tunnel3
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng priority 6 6

%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun3: installed LSP 3_3968 (popt 3) for nil, got 1st feasible path opt
%MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 1_538: DOWN: signalling shutdown
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun1: installed LSP nil for 1_538 (popt 1), signalling shutdown
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun1: LSP path change nil for 1_538, signalling shutdown
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun1: installed LSP 1_636 (popt 1) for nil, unprotected LSP failure
%MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 1_636: Path Error from Admission control Failure: equested bandwidth unavailable (flags 0)
%MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 1_636: DOWN: path error
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun1: installed LSP nil for 1_636 (popt 1), path error
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun1: LSP path change nil for 1_636, path error
%MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 3_3968: UP

%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down

R3#sh mpls traffic-eng tunnels tunnel 3

Name: R3_t3                               (Tunnel3) Destination:
    Admin: up         Oper: up     Path: valid       Signalling: connected
    path option 3, type dynamic (Basis for Setup, path weight 204)

Config Parameters:
    Bandwidth: 100000   kbps (Global)  Priority: 6  6   Affinity: 0x0/0x0

So the configuration say that a path weight, or admin weight was seen which in my testing, didn't help steer the traffic. The priority is 6 6 and the affinity ix 0x0/0x0, which means it was told to ignore the affinity values.

R3#sh ip rsvp interface | in 100
Gi1.34       ena        100M       750M     750M     0

R3#$reservation detail filter session-type 7 | in|Label
Tun Dest:  Tun ID: 2  Ext Tun ID:
  Label: 24001 (outgoing)
  Tun Dest:  Tun ID: 3  Ext Tun ID:
  Label: 23 (outgoing)

I don't currently have a route advertisement mechanism in place to point traffic to the tunnel. I'll toss in a static route for now to prove the tunnel is usable.

ip route Tunnel3

R3#sh ip route
Routing entry for
  Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0 (connected)
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
  * directly connected, via Tunnel3
      Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 

Routing table point to tunnel 3 as hour next hop.

R3#sh ip cef detail, epoch 2, flags [attached]
  local label info: global/36
  3 RR sources [non-eos indirection, heavily shared]
  attached to Tunnel3

The CEF table allocates local label 36 for the tunnel route.

R3#sh mpls forwarding-table labels 36 detail
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
36         Pop Label  0             Tu3        point2point
        MAC/Encaps=18/22, MRU=1500, Label Stack{23}, via Gi1.34
        000C2924DCA2000C29062644810000228847 00017000
        No output feature configured

You can see that label 23 will be used as transport.

R3#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel 3
Type escape sequence to abort.
  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 23 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24006 Exp: 0] 13 ms
L 2 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24014 Exp: 0] 17 ms
L 3 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24015 Exp: 0] 17 ms
L 4 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 62 ms
! 5 29 ms

As you can see, the TE tunnel is being used. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Rob Riker, CCIE #50693

Saturday, January 28, 2017

CCIE SPv4 - MPLS Traffic Engineering - TE Attributes - Bandwidth on IOS XR

Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
In this post we will take a look at configuring bandwidth on IOS XR, it's very similar operationally to IOS so I won't go dig into the details as deep as it's really all the same, slightly different outputs. One thing I did notice between the previous post and this, which could negatively effect operations in the network. Remember that MPLS TE tunnels are unidirectional, and are always signalled in a head end to tail end manner. In this scenario, I configured a TE tunnel from XR3 to R3, used the same TE attributes as the last post, config output below. The tunnel forms without any issue, but which path it uses to form the TE tunnel raises an interesting situation I wasn't prepared for.

interface tunnel-te1
 bandwidth 200000
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback0
 priority 7 7
 affinity 0x10 mask 0x10
 path-option 1 dynamic

So with the above configuration, the TE tunnel does form relatively quickly. One mechanism used by MPLS TE tunnels is the concept of "make before break" where a tunnel has to be first signaled end to end, ensuring that the attributes can be met and then then tunnel will form. If there is a case, covered in the next post, where another tunnel has a higher priority or if the LSP has FRR setup on it, that the primary LSP will not be broken before the higher priority tunnel is built and ready or the FRR tunnel is also built and ready. This prevents the blackholing in the MPLS core. 

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR3#sh mpls traffic-eng tunnels 1
Sat Jan 28 01:51:41.499 UTC

Name: tunnel-te1  Destination:  Ifhandle:0x680
  Signalled-Name: XR3_t1
    Admin:    up Oper:   up   Path:  valid   Signalling: connected
Path info (OSPF 1 area 0):
  Node hop count: 5

Resv Info: None
      Record Route: Disabled
      Fspec: avg rate=200000 kbits, burst=1000 bytes, peak rate=200000 kbits
Displayed 1 (of 1) heads, 0 (of 0) midpoints, 1 (of 2) tails
Displayed 1 up, 0 down, 0 recovering, 0 recovered heads

R3 uses the XR2 to XR3 link to terminate it's TE LSPs on XR3. Which let's us achieve the 2 connections we need with the bandwidth reservation and the affinity values specified. After I had finished the last post, I created a third tunnel with then intention of TE simply directing the third tunnel out the G1.34 link to R4. But when I watched the debugs roll by, I would see the entire path getting signalled until XR3 was reached and then an Admission control error was thrown. I was a bit baffled at first, so I slowly lowered the reservation amount down from 400 Mbps to 100 Mbps, no joy.  

I went to XR3 to see if I had missed something, that is when I spotted the issue, both the TE LSPs R3 had connected to XR3 where coming in on XR3s link to XR2, and the sum total of the bandwidth was 750 Mbps. Well, I found the issue, which then lead me to create a TE tunnel on XR3 back to R3, figuring it had to bypass the max'd out link to XR2 and use the path through R2 instead, not the case, to my surprise the tunnel came up with no issue. Remember, TE LSP are unidirectional. So even though the TE LSP was signalled and formed, there would be a contention spot in the network because of this. 

I have 3 solutions to solve this, 1, modify the affinity values to not match on "BROWN" links but to exclude "BLACK" links, thus eliminating the XR2 to XR3 path or, 2, use priority to force the R3 to XR3 tunnel with 100 Mbps to be decommissioned in favor of the higher priority link or, 3, tell TE not to take affinity into consideration. I chose this option as it is the easiest. 

interface tunnel 3
tunnel mpls traffic-eng affinity 0x0 mask 0x0

However the path still fails, this is because path wise, I could use admin weight or an explicit path to override this operation. If RSVP tries to use the G0/0/0/0.1213 link, the bandwidth reservation will not be met. Which means that XR3s tunnel R3 will form as the path from XR3 to R3 only has a 200 Mbps reservation and it isn't seeing the incoming TE reservation due to the TE tunnel being unidirectional. Instead, we'll finish verifying XR3s TE tunnel and I'll fix the R3 issue in the next post.

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR3#sh rsvp reservation session-type lsp-p2p detail destination 19$
Sat Jan 28 02:26:56.304 UTC
 Input adjusted interface: Gi0/0/0/0.1213. Input physical interface: Gi0/0/0/0.1213.
  Labels: Outgoing downstream: 24014.

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR3#sh mpls traffic-eng forwarding tunnel-id 1
Sat Jan 28 02:28:02.429 UTC
P2P tunnels:

Tunnel ID                  Ingress IF     Egress IF      In lbl  Out lbl Backup
-------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------- ------- ------- 1_2                        - Gi0/0/0/0.1213 24023   24014   unknown

Displayed 1 tunnel heads, 0 label P2P rewrites
Displayed 0 tunnel heads, 0 label P2MP rewrites

We can see that the outgoing label value is 24014, and that shows up in the below traffic-eng traceroute.

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR3#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel-te 1 lsp  active
Type escape sequence to abort.

  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24014 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24013 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 2 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24004 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 3 MRU 1500 [Labels: 18 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 4 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 10 ms
! 5 10 ms

So you can see that the TE tunnel is up and working. We have signaled a tunnel, but haven't actually gone and mapped traffic to it. But its working.

Thanks for stopping by!
Rob Riker, CCIE #50693

Friday, January 27, 2017

CCIE SPv4 - MPLS Traffic Engineering - TE Attributes - Bandwidth

Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
In this post we will be looking at bandwidth as a TE attribute. This is the most common attribute I have seen deployed and makes the most sense, since most customers want to make sure their applications riding over the MPLS core will have enough bandwidth to meet SLAs. There is a bandwidth reservation capability and a sub-pool capability. We'll examine the bandwidth option first. Typically the sub pool is used for traffic that has some QoS value associated, like EF or AF41 for instance. 

In IOS, when you tell an interface that it will participate in TE tunneling, RSVP is applied to that interface, almost like PIM is applied to an interface to build MDTs. IOS auto reserves/allocates 75% of the total bandwidth that is configured on that interface, so if it's a GigE interface you get 750 Mbps. I won't change this but you could manually configure the BW down to 50 Mbps to test reoptimization later on. 

In the above topology, I have brought up the right side of the topology, re-designing the "affinity" to give us more to work with than just 6 routers, I will eventually start wrapping multiple TE attributes together to see the complexity. Right now, I am currently only matching on the "BROWN" path, or 0x0010/0x0010. I have labeled each link with the appropriate affinity valures. I also enabled MPLS OAM on all the routers to trace inside the LSP as we're building it, since we aren't leveraging IGP for forwarding, it's best if we test the TE defined path.

We'll configure a TE tunnel to reserve 200 Mbps, I'll debug the RSVP RESV output so we can see the outputs, but I'll only show the relevant debugs. Bandwidth is reserved in "kilobits per second". So we'll reserve 200000 and fire away.

interface Tunnel1
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng priority 7 7
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth 200000
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng affinity 0x10 mask 0x10
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 1 dynamic

sub 0 from global tdb_bw_avail pool on link hop_gen 0 link_gen 83 in forward link
    rrr_pcalc_print_bw_values nbr_p = 0x7EFF4C7BA398 pri 7
    Global inprogress 0, Global avail 0

So we see that from the link between XR2 and XR3, affinity is NOT the issue, the global BW available is ZERO. Unlike IOS, XR does not auto reserve the bandwidth, we have to manually tell XR what bandwidth values to allocate, we're going to say 750 Mbps to equal IOS. 

 interface type/number.subinterface
  bandwidth 750000

sub 0 from global tdb_bw_avail pool on link hop_gen 0 link_gen 101 in forward link
    rrr_pcalc_print_bw_values nbr_p = 0x7EFF4C35A2D8 pri 7
    Global inprogress 0, Global avail 750000
    Sub-pool inprogress 0, Sub-pool avail 0
    rrr_pcalc_print_bw_values nbr_p = 0x7EFF4C35A2D8 pri 7
    Global inprogress 0, Global avail 750000
    Sub-pool inprogress 0, Sub-pool avail 0
TE-PCALC-API:> {7}: P2P LSP Path Lookup result: success
MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 1_538: UP
MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun1: installed LSP 1_538 (popt 1) for 1_511 (popt 1), reopt. LSP is up

So we can see from the debug output that there was bandwidth available, and the LSP was successfully signaled end to end, you'll also see on the last bolded line, "reopt" which means reoptimized. 

R3#sh mpls traffic-eng tunnels tunnel 1

Name: R3_t1                               (Tunnel1) Destination:
    Admin: up         Oper: up     Path: valid       Signalling: connected
    path option 1, type dynamic (Basis for Setup, path weight 5)

  Config Parameters:
    Bandwidth: 200000   kbps (Global)  Priority: 7  7   Affinity: 0x10/0x10

So we can see that 1, the tunnel is up, so both the affinity values were good, and that there was enough BW available to allocate to this LSP. The setup and hold priority are both 7, the lowest, more on that in another post.

R3#$p reservation detail filter session-type 7 tunnel-id 1 | in Label|Bitrate
  Label: 1 (outgoing)
  Average Bitrate is 0 bits/sec, Maximum Burst is 1K bytes
  Label: 19 (outgoing)
  Average Bitrate is 200M bits/sec, Maximum Burst is 1K bytes

We can see that the signaling pulled the right amount of bandwidth and has also allocated a TE label of 19.

R3#sh ip rsvp interface
interface    rsvp       allocated  i/f max  flow max sub max  VRF
Gi1          ena        0          750M     750M     0
Gi1.34       ena        200M       750M     750M     0
Gi1.143      ena        0          750M     750M     0

We can see that we will use G1.34 to forward the traffic towards XR3. 

Now we add in a static route to map the customer traffic to the TE tunnel.

ip route Tunnel1

R3#sh ip route
Routing entry for
  Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0 (connected)
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
  * directly connected, via Tunnel1
      Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1

We can see that any VPN based traffic that has a next hop of XR3,, will use the TE tunnel.

R3#sh ip cef detail, epoch 2, flags [attached]
  local label info: global/36
  3 RR sources [non-eos indirection, heavily shared]
  attached to Tunnel1

We see that there is a CEF entry as well, the global/36 is applied, but this is the locally assigned label, not the transport or VPN label, nut we can use that label as reference to look at the MPLS forwarding table.

R3#sh mpls forwarding-table labels 36
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
36    [T]  Pop Label  0             Tu1        point2point

[T]     Forwarding through a LSP tunnel.
        View additional labelling info with the 'detail' option

Since we are using a TE tunnel, we see the [T], which indicates that a TE tunnel is used. to know more we need to tack on the "detail" option.

R3#sh mpls forwarding-table labels 36 detail
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
36         Pop Label  0             Tu1        point2point
        MAC/Encaps=18/22, MRU=1500, Label Stack{19}, via Gi1.34
        000C2924DCA2000C29062644810000228847 00013000
        No output feature configured

We can see that label 19 is used and is pointing out G1.34. Let's trace from R3 to XR3 in the core and see what happens. 

R3#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel 1
Type escape sequence to abort.
  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 19 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24000 Exp: 0] 11 ms
L 2 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24012 Exp: 0] 8 ms
L 3 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24013 Exp: 0] 9 ms
L 4 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 15 ms
! 5 13 ms

Our first label is 19 which was allocated by TE.

I'm going to create another TE tunnel, telling the affinity to use the same values as before, but this time I need 600 Mbps.

interface Tunnel2
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng priority 7 7
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth 600000
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng affinity 0x10 mask 0x10
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 1 dynamic

%MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 2_1: No path to destination, (bw or affinity)

Since TE checks each hop along the way, having to make sure that the affinity values match and there is bandwidth available, in this case we are reserving more bandwidth than is available, I have asked for 600 Mbps, when only 550 are available for allocation. I'll change the BW to 550000 and see if that changes anything.

interface Tunnel2
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth 550000

%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun2: installed LSP 2_8 (popt 1) for nil, got 1st feasible path opt
%MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun2: LSP path change 2_8 for nil, normal
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel2, changed state to up

The tunnel comes up this time, which means that a path with the affinity applied matched and there was bandwidth available. 

R3#sh mpls traffic-eng tunnels tunnel 2 | b Status
    Admin: up         Oper: up     Path: valid       Signalling: connected
    path option 1, type dynamic (Basis for Setup, path weight 5)

  Config Parameters:
    Bandwidth: 550000   kbps (Global)  Priority: 7  7   Affinity: 0x10/0x10
RSVP Path Info:
      My Address:
      Explicit Route:

In this example, we aren't using the same path as tunnel 1, we are using a path to XR4 and not R4.

R3#sh ip rsvp interface
interface    rsvp       allocated  i/f max  flow max sub max  VRF
Gi1          ena        0          750M     750M     0
Gi1.34       ena        200M       750M     750M     0
Gi1.143      ena        550M       750M     750M     0

G1.143 has an allocation of 550 Mbps. The documentation I have read doesn't give any indication of a protection mechanism of maxing out the tunnel maximums, but one could imagine that this is the case. 

R3#$reservation detail filter session-type 7 tunnel-id 2 | in Label|Bitrate
  Label: 1 (outgoing)
  Average Bitrate is 0 bits/sec, Maximum Burst is 1K bytes
  Label: 24001 (outgoing)
  Average Bitrate is 550M bits/sec, Maximum Burst is 1K bytes

We can see that label 24001 is allocated for this tunnel and 550 Mbps are reserved. 

R3#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel 2
Type escape sequence to abort.
  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24001 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24003 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 2 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24011 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 3 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24012 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 4 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 14 ms
! 5 14 ms

I'll configure a third tunnel, this will grab 500 Mbps, which will max out both interfaces and completely oversubscribe Tunnel 2 which has 550 Mbps already reserved.

interface Tunnel3
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng priority 7 7
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng bandwidth 500000
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng affinity 0x10 mask 0x10
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 1 dynamic

*Jan 28 00:35:42.088: %MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun3: installed LSP 3_10 (popt 1) for nil, got 1st feasible path opt
*Jan 28 00:35:42.137: %MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 3_10: Path Error from Admission control Failure: Requested bandwidth unavailable (flags 0)
*Jan 28 00:35:42.138: %MPLS_TE-5-LSP: LSP 3_10: DOWN: path error
*Jan 28 00:35:42.138: %MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun3: installed LSP nil for 3_10 (popt 1), path error
*Jan 28 00:35:42.138: %MPLS_TE-5-TUN: Tun3: LSP path change nil for 3_10

We get an obvious syslog message stating that the requested bandwidth isn't reservable, therefore the tunnel will fail to form. This message continues to repeat over and over. 

So as you can see, the bandwidth attribute is pretty straightforward. As long as the bandwidth is available, the tunnel should form pretty easily, assuming that the other TE attributes are able to met of course. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Rob Riker, CCIE #50693

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

CCIE SPv4 - MPLS Traffic Engineering - TE Attributes - Affinity Lists and Maps

Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
In this post we will be expanding on the previous post, where we explored using affinity values to influence the path we took for TE paths. Well we are using some scalability options, the "list" in IOS and the "map" in XR. 

The list in IOS acts very much like a "prefix-list" does, it matches some value we specify and then is used as a "true" or "false" mechanism on the TE tunnel for RSVP PCALC. The idea is to create the list with a given set of variables, the affinity, bandwidth and priority are a few of the options. Once the list is created it can be called by the "path option" feature under the TE interface. I have created 3 of them, the first is a single color match, BLUE in this case, the second is a 2 color match, GREEN and BLUE and the third is a 2 color, match RED but not ORANGE. These attribute lists are then called by the TE tunnels.

mpls traffic-eng lsp attributes DUAL_COLOR
 affinity 0x11 mask 0x11
mpls traffic-eng lsp attributes DUAL_COLOR_MATCH_ONLY_ONE
 affinity 0x100 mask 0x1100
mpls traffic-eng lsp attributes SINGLE_COLOR
 affinity 0x1 mask 0x1
interface Tunnel2
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 2 dynamic attributes SINGLE_COLOR
interface Tunnel3
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 3 dynamic attributes DUAL_COLOR
interface Tunnel4
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 4 dynamic attributes DUAL_COLOR_MATCH_ONLY_ONE

R3#sho mpls traffic-eng tunnels brief | b P2P
TUNNEL NAME                      DESTINATION      UP IF     DOWN IF   STATE/PROT
R3_t1                        -         Gi1.143   up/up
R3_t2                       -         Gi1.34    up/up
R3_t3                       -         unknown   up/down
R3_t4                       -         Gi1.143   up/up

As you can see, Tunnel 1, 2 and 4 are up, Tunnel 3, there was an issue and didn't come up. That is was an affinity match logic that wasn't correct or could have been no match in the network was found, either could be true. 

The "map" option is unique to XR and has some of those same options, it is meant to be an easier way to work with affinity. Mapping a human readable string to an affinity value, then using that string to identify affinity at the interface level. I only have 2 interfaces so I only have 2 affinity maps.

mpls traffic-eng
 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.111
  attribute-names GREEN
 interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.1114
  attribute-names BLUE
 affinity-map BLUE bit-position 0
 affinity-map GREEN 0x10

interface tunnel-te1
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback0
 logging events all
 affinity 0x1 mask 0x1
 path-option 10 dynamic
interface tunnel-te2
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback0
 logging events all
 affinity include GREEN
 path-option 2 dynamic
interface tunnel-te3
 ipv4 unnumbered Loopback0
 logging events all
 affinity include BLUE
 path-option 10 dynamic

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#show mpls  traffic-eng tunnels brief
Wed Jan 25 22:29:01.598 UTC

                     TUNNEL NAME         DESTINATION      STATUS  STATE
                      tunnel-te1          up  up
                      tunnel-te2          up  up
                      tunnel-te3          up  up
                           R3_t1          up  up
                           R3_t2          up  up
                           R3_t4          up  up
Displayed 3 (of 3) heads, 1 (of 1) midpoints, 2 (of 2) tails
Displayed 3 up, 0 down, 0 recovering, 0 recovered heads

As you can see, all three tunnels are up and operational. 

Now that we have everything  up and running, it's time to verify the tunnels. We'll start on IOS and then check XR.

R3#$n detail filter session-type 7 tunnel-id 4 | in Label|GigabitEthernet1.
  Next Hop: on GigabitEthernet1.143
  Label: 24006 (outgoing)
R3#$n detail filter session-type 7 tunnel-id 2 | in Label|GigabitEthernet1.
  Label: 1 (outgoing)
  Next Hop: on GigabitEthernet1.34
  Label: 19 (outgoing)

As you can see, the RSVP TE label applied has 2, 19 towards R4 and 24006 towards XR4. 

R3#show mpls  forwarding-table labels 31 detail | in Label
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
31         Pop Label  0             Tu2        point2point
        MAC/Encaps=18/22, MRU=1500, Label Stack{19}, via Gi1.34
           Pop Label  488           Tu4        point2point
        MAC/Encaps=18/22, MRU=1500, Label Stack{24006}, via Gi1.143

You can see in the mpls forwarding table output, that we are pointing out both tunnels with 2 different label values.

R3#sh ip cef detail, epoch 2, flags [attached], per-destination sharing
  local label info: global/31
  2 RR sources [non-eos indirection, heavily shared]
  attached to Tunnel2
  attached to Tunnel4

The CEF table also shows that.

R3#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel 2
Type escape sequence to abort.
  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 19 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24003 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 2 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24004 Exp: 0] 6 ms
L 3 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 3 ms
! 4 10 ms

R3#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel 4
Type escape sequence to abort.
  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24006 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 10 ms
! 2 9 ms

When you do an MPLS trace, for each tunnel, they take different paths, which is the desired result based on the affinity values leveraged for the tunnels

R8#traceroute vrf BGP source num
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
VRF info: (vrf in name/id, vrf out name/id)
  1 4 msec 1 msec 2 msec
  2 [MPLS: Labels 19/24025 Exp 0] 11 msec 10 msec 12 msec
  3 [MPLS: Labels 24003/24025 Exp 0] 9 msec 16 msec 23 msec
  4 [MPLS: Labels 24004/24025 Exp 0] 20 msec 19 msec 21 msec
  5 [MPLS: Label 24025 Exp 0] 23 msec 19 msec 21 msec
  6 21 msec *  15 msec

We do a trace route and see that TE tunnel 2 gets used. 

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh rsvp reservation session-type lsp-p2p detail destination | in "Label|Gi0/0/0/0.|TunID"

Wed Jan 25 23:23:58.193 UTC
RESV: IPv4-LSP Session addr: TunID: 1. LSPId: 5.
 Input adjusted interface: Gi0/0/0/0.1114. Input physical interface: Gi0/0/0/0.1114.
  Labels: Outgoing downstream: 24005.
RESV: IPv4-LSP Session addr: TunID: 2. LSPId: 2.
 Input adjusted interface: Gi0/0/0/0.111. Input physical interface: Gi0/0/0/0.111.
  Labels: Outgoing downstream: 33.
RESV: IPv4-LSP Session addr: TunID: 3. LSPId: 2.
 Input adjusted interface: Gi0/0/0/0.1114. Input physical interface: Gi0/0/0/0.1114.
  Labels: Outgoing downstream: 24009.

Here we can see that the RSVP RESV labels have been populated which indicates that the affinity values configured were able to be matched on.

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#show mpls traffic-eng forwarding detail p2p | in "Tunnel|Label$
Wed Jan 25 23:25:39.136 UTC
  Backup Tunnel: No backup available
Tunnel ID:    1 LSP ID:    5 Destination: Ctype:  7
  Output: Gi0/0/0/0.1114    Next Hop:     Output Label: 24005
  Input:  -                 Prev Hop: None            Local Label:  24002
  Backup Tunnel: No backup available
Tunnel ID:    2 LSP ID:    2 Destination: Ctype:  7
  Output: Gi0/0/0/0.111     Next Hop:       Output Label: 33
  Input:  -                 Prev Hop: None            Local Label:  24005
  Backup Tunnel: No backup available
Tunnel ID:    3 LSP ID:    2 Destination: Ctype:  7
  Output: Gi0/0/0/0.1114    Next Hop:     Output Label: 24009
  Input:  -                 Prev Hop: None            Local Label:  24006
  Backup Tunnel: No backup available

The MPLS TE forwarding table hows that tunnel ID 2 uses label 33 and tunnel ID 3 uses 24009. 

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh cef detail | in label
Wed Jan 25 23:26:28.422 UTC
     local label 24003      labels imposed {ImplNull}
     local label 24003      labels imposed {ImplNull}
     local label 24003      labels imposed {ImplNull}

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh route
Wed Jan 25 23:27:00.410 UTC

Routing entry for
  Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0 (connected)
  Installed Jan 25 22:10:47.853 for 01:16:12
  Routing Descriptor Blocks
    directly connected, via tunnel-te1
      Route metric is 0
    directly connected, via tunnel-te2
      Route metric is 0
    directly connected, via tunnel-te3
      Route metric is 0
  No advertising protos.

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel-te 2
Type escape sequence to abort.

  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 33 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24004 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 2 MRU 1500 [Labels: 17 Exp: 0] 10 ms
L 3 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 10 ms
! 4 1 ms

We trace MPLS for TE 2, we see label 33 as the first label, that will be important later on when we do the CE to CE trace. 

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel-te 3
Type escape sequence to abort.

  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24009 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24006 Exp: 0] 0 ms
L 2 MRU 1500 [Labels: 23 Exp: 0] 0 ms
L 3 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 10 ms
! 4 10 ms

We do the same trace for TE3 and we see label 24009 as the first label, this could be construed as a backup path since it is not used in the path between XR1 and R3.

R12#traceroute vrf BGP source num
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
VRF info: (vrf in name/id, vrf out name/id)
  1 3 msec 1 msec 1 msec
  2 [MPLS: Labels 33/52 Exp 0] 10 msec 8 msec 7 msec
  3 [MPLS: Labels 24004/52 Exp 0] 27 msec 31 msec 38 msec
  4 [MPLS: Labels 17/52 Exp 0] 77 msec 17 msec 11 msec
  5 [MPLS: Label 52 Exp 0] 11 msec 9 msec 13 msec
  6 23 msec *  12 msec

We can see that label 33 is used for TE2 in this output and not TE3. I haven't found any documentation that indicates why it works this way, but if you were to disable TE 2, TE 3 would be used instead. I shutdown TE 2.

R12#traceroute vrf BGP source num
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
VRF info: (vrf in name/id, vrf out name/id)
  1 4 msec 1 msec 1 msec
  2 [MPLS: Labels 24009/52 Exp 0] 12 msec 8 msec 10 msec
  3 [MPLS: Labels 24006/52 Exp 0] 29 msec 31 msec 31 msec
  4 [MPLS: Labels 23/52 Exp 0] 33 msec 28 msec 31 msec
  5 [MPLS: Label 52 Exp 0] 15 msec 16 msec 15 msec
  6 21 msec *  14 msec

TE 3 is now used. 

Bringing TE 2 backup, a new outlabel is allocated.

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#sh mpls traffic-eng forwarding
Wed Jan 25 23:47:52.084 UTC
P2P tunnels:

Tunnel ID                  Ingress IF     Egress IF      In lbl  Out lbl Backup
-------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------- ------- ------- 1_396          Gi0/0/0/0.1114  Gi0/0/0/0.111 24001   3       unknown 1_5                        - Gi0/0/0/0.1114 24002   24005   unknown 2_3                        -  Gi0/0/0/0.111 24005   42      unknown 3_2                        - Gi0/0/0/0.1114 24006   24009   unknown

Displayed 3 tunnel heads, 1 label P2P rewrites
Displayed 0 tunnel heads, 0 label P2MP rewrites

Before it was label 33, now it is label 42.

Thanks for stopping by!
Rob Riker, CCIE #50693