IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3
The topology for this demo:
In this post we will begin with understanding the need for MPLS Traffic Engineering or TE, why we would use it, how ti works, how it is built and how the signaling works to get things operational in the MPLS core.
For OSPF, we'll focus on R1, R3, R4, XR1, XR4 and XR5.
For IS-IS , we'll focus on R2, R5, R6, XR2, XR3 and XR6.
The links between R1 and XR2; XR5 and XR6; R4 and R5 are shutdown to provide separation in the network.
So for those of you not familiar with MPLS TE, I may refer to it as "TE" as we progress, normally when an MPLS core is built using LDP, LDP works because there is an IGP of some type that has flooded topology information around in the network, best path selection has been ran to find the "shortest path" and those best routes get installed into the RIB. LDP leverages this "loop free" topology to find and form adjacencies with other MPLS core routers, both P and PEs. The adjacencies formed allow labels to be allocated to routes learned in from the customer. LDP uses the IGP shortest path to figure out how to get to the egress PE that is used to reach the destination network. The problem with that mindset is that the "shortest path" doesn't mean the "best path". IGP can't take into consideration real time network traffic and utilization.
The solution to this paradigm is MPLS TE. TE allows us to take into consideration what is going on in the network, not just what the IGP sees, but how much a link is being used, how much bandwidth is left, what links may not be used due to predefined rules. This is accomplished but using techniques like explicit paths, bandwidth reservations, link affinity, bandwidth auto scaling, QoS based preferred bandwidth reservations and other capabilities that will be discussed later.
There are 2 main steps used to build TE tunnels, the tunnel creation itself and attributes tied to tunnel creation and LSP or label switch paths attributes that can be used, like tunnel attributes, to determine TE tunnel creation. TE must first be globally configured on every router that will participate in the TE topology, OSPF and IS-IS will be used to demonstrate the IGP portion. TE must be enabled under the IGP process and tied to either the area or the level it will work inside of. The interface that tunnel will ride over has to be configured to allow TE tunnel creation. That same interface also has to have RSVP, discussed shortly, enabled to allow the signaling that enables TE tunnels to determine if a path meets the "constraints" specified by the TE tunnel.
The TE tunnel is created on a router, this router is referred to as the TE "Headend" which is the router that initiates the CSPF path calculation and RSVP signaling. The tunnel itself is configured as a TE tunnel and the destination is called the "Tailend" where the tunnel will end. TE Tunnels are unidirectional in nature. Configured identically to GRE tunnels, interface tunnel X, is given a source and destination address, and configured to be for TE, additional configuration, like LSP construction specifics are configured under the TE interface and how traffic will be mapped onto the TE tunnel itself. We'll start with enabling TE globally, under the IGP process and on the interfaces, for both IOS and XR.
mpls traffic-eng tunnels
router ospf 1
mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
mpls traffic-eng area 0
router isis CCIE
net 49.0000.0000.0000.000X.00
is-type level-2-only
metric-style wide
address-family ipv6
mpls ldp autoconfig
mpls traffic-eng router-id Loopback0
mpls traffic-eng level-2
interface type/number
mpls traffic-eng tunnels
ip rsvp bandwidth
interface type/number
interface type/number
mpls traffic-eng
interface type/number
interface type/number
router ospf 1
area 0
mpls traffic-eng
router isis CCIE
is-type level-2-only
net 49.0000.0000.0000.0012.00
address-family ipv4 unicast
metric-style wide
mpls traffic-eng level-2-only
mpls ldp auto-config
address-family ipv6 unicast
metric-style wide
interface Loopback0
address-family ipv4 unicast
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.1213
address-family ipv4 unicast
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.1216
address-family ipv4 unicast
The configuration above is the base minimum to enable TE in the network. We haven't done anything with it other than turn on the capability. IOS by default will auto reserve 75% of the interface bandwidth, IOS XR will not reserve any bandwidth. We won't actually need to configure a TE tunnel yet, there is plenty of verification that needs to be done before we move on.
The output below shows everything that R1 can see from a TE topology perspective. In order for TE to be effective, each router in the topology must know what all the other routers is doing, how much traffic is flowing, what is available, on what links etc. I selectively narrowed the output, the IGP ID points to the TE RID and the DR is specific to OSPF.
R1#sh mpls traffic-eng topology area 0 brief | in IGP Id|DR
IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:2, gen:15
link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:1, gen:15
IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:5, gen:17
link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:3, gen:17
IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:3, gen:19
link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:7, gen:19
IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:4, gen:24
link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:6, gen:24
link[2]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:5, gen:24
IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:2, gen:27
link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:6, gen:27
link[2]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:7, gen:27
IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:1, gen:21
link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:4, gen:21
IGP Id:, Network Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:11, gen:1
link[1]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:8, gen:1
IGP Id:, Network Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:13, gen:2
link[1]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:8, gen:2
IGP Id:, Network Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:10, gen:3
link[1]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:9, gen:3
IGP Id:, Network Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:11, gen:4
link[1]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:12, gen:4
IGP Id:, Network Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:9, gen:5
link[1]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:12, gen:5
IGP Id:, Network Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:13, gen:6
link[1]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:12, gen:6
IGP Id:, Network Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:13, gen:7
link[1]: Broadcast, Nbr IGP Id:, nbr_node_id:10, gen:7
R2#sh mpls traffic-eng topology level-2 brief | in TE Id|DR
IGP Id: 0000.0000.0002.00, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (isis level-2)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0013.03, nbr_node_id:10, gen:4
link[1]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0006.02, nbr_node_id:5, gen:4
IGP Id: 0000.0000.0005.00, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (isis level-2)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0006.01, nbr_node_id:8, gen:12
IGP Id: 0000.0000.0006.00, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (isis level-2)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0006.01, nbr_node_id:8, gen:6
link[1]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0006.02, nbr_node_id:5, gen:6
IGP Id: 0000.0000.0012.00, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (isis level-2)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0012.03, nbr_node_id:12, gen:10
IGP Id: 0000.0000.0013.00, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (isis level-2)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0013.03, nbr_node_id:10, gen:8
link[1]: Broadcast, DR: 0000.0000.0012.03, nbr_node_id:12, gen:8
This output is something we will see a lot of moving forward, no tunnels have been created and no TE attribute signaling has taken place yet, so not TE tunnels are up and operational.
R1#sh mpls traffic-eng tunnels brief
Signalling Summary:
LSP Tunnels Process: running
Passive LSP Listener: running
RSVP Process: running
Forwarding: enabled
Periodic reoptimization: every 3600 seconds, next in 68 seconds
Periodic FRR Promotion: Not Running
Periodic auto-bw collection: every 300 seconds, next in 68 seconds
Displayed 0 (of 0) heads, 0 (of 0) midpoints, 0 (of 0) tails
Displayed 0 (of 0) P2MP heads
Displayed 0 P2MP sub-LSPs:
0 (of 0) heads, 0 (of 0) midpoints, 0 (of 0) tails
This output below is unique to R4, showing the IGP and MPLS TE ID both being Link [0] and [1], the OSPF network type (broadcast) and the DR for that segment, the interface address, it's TE metric, IGP metric and any attribute flags. Lastly the SRLG or shared risk link group, combining multiple services on a single link.
R1#sh mpls traffic-eng topology igp-id ospf brief
IGP Id:, MPLS TE Id: Router Node (ospf 1 area 0)
link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:3, gen:19
frag_id: 7, Intf Address:
TE metric: 1, IGP metric: 1, attribute flags: 0x0
SRLGs: None
link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:7, gen:19
frag_id: 9, Intf Address:
TE metric: 1, IGP metric: 1, attribute flags: 0x0
SRLGs: None
We'll take a look at the OSPF database. Below is an output summary of the database, the type of LSAs in the DB and that type total. Opaque Area LSAs are present, 20 of them, Type 10 LSA or opaque LSAs are used to advertise MPLS TE topology information.
R1#sh ip ospf 1 database database-summary
OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)
Area 0 database summary
LSA Type Count Delete Maxage
Router 6 0 0
Network 7 0 0
Summary Net 0 0 0
Summary ASBR 0 0 0
Type-7 Ext 0 0 0
Prefixes redistributed in Type-7 0
Opaque Link 0 0 0
Opaque Area 20 0 0
Subtotal 33 0 0
R2#sh isis database level-2
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R2.00-00 * 0x00000083 0xEB84 959 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x0000007C 0xEC34 973 0/0/0
R6.00-00 0x0000007A 0x6A50 920 0/0/0
R6.01-00 0x00000071 0xF15B 1125 0/0/0
R6.02-00 0x00000072 0xACA1 1030 0/0/0
XR2.00-00 0x0000007C 0xFF3E 755 0/0/0
XR2.03-00 0x00000070 0x0B1B 911 0/0/0
XR3.00-00 0x0000007C 0xCDC2 785 0/0/0
XR3.03-00 0x00000070 0xB67E 1166 0/0/0
R2#sh isis database level-2
IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R2.00-00 * 0x00000083 0xEB84 959 0/0/0
R5.00-00 0x0000007C 0xEC34 973 0/0/0
R6.00-00 0x0000007A 0x6A50 920 0/0/0
R6.01-00 0x00000071 0xF15B 1125 0/0/0
R6.02-00 0x00000072 0xACA1 1030 0/0/0
XR2.00-00 0x0000007C 0xFF3E 755 0/0/0
XR2.03-00 0x00000070 0x0B1B 911 0/0/0
XR3.00-00 0x0000007C 0xCDC2 785 0/0/0
XR3.03-00 0x00000070 0xB67E 1166 0/0/0
The output below is of the OSPF database. This is the perspective from R1 on R4, on the other end of the OSPF network. I'll breakdown each section.
R1#sh ip ospf 1 database opaque-area adv-router
OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)
Type-10 Opaque Link Area Link States (Area 0)
This output is unique to the Opaque LSA, we see the link state ID is, the process id of the OSPF process is 1, the advertising router, etc.
LS age: 1475
Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
LS Type: Opaque Area Link
Link State ID:
Opaque Type: 1
Opaque ID: 0
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000004
Checksum: 0xDE73
Length: 28
Fragment number : 0
MPLS TE router ID :
Number of Links : 0
The below output is unique to R4. We can see the attributes that are currently in use.
LS age: 980
Options: (No TOS-capability, DC)
LS Type: Opaque Area Link
Link State ID:
Opaque Type: 1
Opaque ID: 7
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000005
Checksum: 0xD0A0
Length: 124
Fragment number : 7
Link connected to Broadcast network
Link ID :
Interface Address :
Admin Metric : 1
Maximum bandwidth : 125000000
Maximum reservable bandwidth : 93750000
Number of Priority : 8
Priority 0 : 93750000 Priority 1 : 93750000
Priority 2 : 93750000 Priority 3 : 93750000
Priority 4 : 93750000 Priority 5 : 93750000
Priority 6 : 93750000 Priority 7 : 93750000
Affinity Bit : 0x0
IGP Metric : 1
Number of Links : 1
R2#sh isis database level-2 R5.00-00 detail
IS-IS Level-2 LSP R5.00-00
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R5.00-00 0x0000007C 0xEC34 918 0/0/0
Area Address: 49.0000
NLPID: 0xCC 0x8E
Topology: IPv4 (0x0)
IPv6 (0x2)
Router ID:
Hostname: R5
Metric: 10 IS-Extended R6.01
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IP
R2#sh isis database level-2 R5.00-00 detail
IS-IS Level-2 LSP R5.00-00
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
R5.00-00 0x0000007C 0xEC34 918 0/0/0
Area Address: 49.0000
NLPID: 0xCC 0x8E
Topology: IPv4 (0x0)
IPv6 (0x2)
Router ID:
Hostname: R5
Metric: 10 IS-Extended R6.01
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IP
Let's take a look at some more TE specific show outputs
R1#sh mpls traffic-eng link-management summary g1.111
System Information::
Links Count: 2
Flooding System: enabled
IGP Area ID:: ospf 1 area 0
Flooding Protocol: OSPF
Flooding Status: data flooded
Periodic Flooding: enabled (every 60 seconds, next in 54 seconds)
Flooded Links: 2
IGP System ID:
MPLS TE Router ID:
Neighbors: 2
We can see that we have 2 neighbors and we will flood out the links to those neighbors, flooding occurs every 60 seconds.
Link ID:: Gi1.111 (
Local Intfc ID: 7
Link Status:
SRLGs: None
Intfc Switching Capability Descriptors:
Default: Intfc Switching Cap psc1, Encoding ethernet
Link Label Type: Packet
Physical Bandwidth: 1000000 kbits/sec
Max Res Global BW: 750000 kbits/sec (reserved: 0% in, 0% out)
Max Res Sub BW: 0 kbits/sec (reserved: 100% in, 100% out)
MPLS TE Link State: MPLS TE on, RSVP on, admin-up, flooded
Inbound Admission: reject-huge
Outbound Admission: allow-if-room
Link MTU: IP 1500, MPLS 1500
Admin. Weight: 1 (IGP)
IGP Neighbor Count: 1
We can see that the bandwidth on the interface is 1Gbps, and we are currently reserving 75% of that bandwidth or 750 Mbps, we can allocate preferred traffic bandwidth using the Sub-pool bandwidth if needed. TE is on, RSVP is up and flooding has occured. The MTU fo IP and MPLS are both 1500 butes, the Administrative weight is 1 and is using IGP for that metric, OSPF cost of a 1 Gbps link.
RSVP or Resource Reservation Protocol is the signaling protocol used to carry the stated constraints in PATH messages from the headend router to the tailend router, at each node in the network to see if that device can meet the constraints. Once the Tailend has been reached, a RESV message is passed back in the reverse direction to the headend, at each node, if the constraint can met, then a label is allocated for that hop, if not, a PATHERR message is sent indicating an issue. If the headend router has multiple path options configured, then the next path option in line is used to signal the tunnel, if all fail, the tunnel does not come up.
Let's hit the necessary terms and define them
PATH - message sent by the headend router from its source to its destination, from the headend to the tail end along the path that is dictated by the "path option". Each hop in the path option list is queried to determine it's capabilities. The PATH message carries the following objects.
Label Request Object or LRO - requests TE labels along the path to the tailend, it does not carry labels back to the headend, that is the job of the RESV message.
Explicit Route Object or ERO - The results from the PCALC or path calculation which tells the PATH message which hops it must traverse to reach the tail. RSVP is the signaling protocol in TE, the PATH message hits each node in the path to the tail, RSVP has no visibility into the TE Database.
Record Route Object or RRO - Records the route taken by the PATH message, since a path option can be explicit or rely on LDP/IGP forwarding, uses this mechanism to prevent loops.
Session Attribute Object - SAO - Information about the session that is carried to each hop, mode of operation, node and/or bandwidth info and fast reroute.
Sender Tspec - Carries bandwidth reservation information as an average rate.
RESV - message sent hop by hop from the tail back to the head. The path taken from the head to the tail is the path the tail must take back to the head. There is a NHOP or next hop value carried inside the NHOP which gives the upstream node the "next hop IP" so they know the proper path of the LSP, the NHOP can be a link IP or an IP the current node knows how to reach.The idea is the path can be explicit or loose, depending on the constraints.
Label Object or LO - carries the label value of the TE tunnel with the NHOP information, this information is used to build the path from the head to the tail in the forwarding plane.
Record Route Object or RRO - identical to the PATH RRO, just the tail to the head in this case.
PATHERR - an issue was found somewhere between the head and the tail. When the headend receives this message, the next path option inline is used to form the TE path, if no other path exists, the tunnel fails to be calculated.
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