Sunday, December 18, 2016


Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
This post will be a focus on P2MP or E-TREE with VPLS. In prior posts we took a look at MP2MP with auto discovery, but we haven't taken a look at it with a manual configuration. Really there isn't much different. In the BGP AD or auto discovery method, we exlicitly configure route target values to be imported and exported. Here we are going to basically going to form P2P psuedowires between the appropriate PEs and use the VPLS domain to flood the data. 

The concept of an "E-TREE" is basically where one PE is the "root" and the other PEs are the "leafs". The idea is to explicitly configure a PE to be the root, where we might have a customer that requires connectivity to all sites, but doesn't want the "leaves" to be able to talk to each other. From the Enterprise perspective, I could configure DMVPN in a phase 1 design to accomplish this, but since we're the MPLS L2VPN provider, it's our job. So, we'll configure R1 to be the root of bridge domain 800. R3 and R6 will be the leaves, where we will configure R3 and R6 to only peer with R1, R1 peers with both R3 and R6. 

interface g2
service instance 800 ethernet
  encapsulation dot1q 800
template type pseudowire E_TREE
 encapsulation mpls
interface pseudowire13
  source template type pseudowire E_TREE
 neighbor 13
interface pseudowire16
  source template type pseudowire E_TREE
neighbor 16
l2vpn vfi context E_TREE
 vpn id 800
 member pseudowire16
 member pseudowire13
bridge-domain 800
 member GigabitEthernet2 service-instance 800
 member vfi E_TREE

One thing that I used this time, due to repetitive configuration is the template option. If you create a pseudowire template/class you can use this in the same a BGP peer group or Prefix List is used. Since I had 3 separate PWs to configured, the template allows me to configure PW specific configurations, like encapsulation, control word, sequencing etc. More on PW advanced stuff later on. 

interface g2
 service instance 800 ethernet
  encapsulation dot1q 800
template type pseudowire E_TREE
 encapsulation mpls
interface pseudowire31
  source template type pseudowire E_TREE
 encapsulation mpls
 neighbor 13
l2vpn vfi context E_TREE
 vpn id 800
 member pseudowire31
bridge-domain 800
 member GigabitEthernet2 service-instance 800
 member vfi E_TREE

interface g2
 service instance 800 ethernet
  encapsulation dot1q 800
template type pseudowire E_TREE
 encapsulation mpls
interface pseudowire61
  source template type pseudowire E_TREE
 encapsulation mpls
 neighbor 16
l2vpn vfi context E_TREE
 vpn id 800
 member pseudowire31
bridge-domain 800
 member GigabitEthernet2 service-instance 800
 member vfi E_TREE

Now we can look to see what we have going on in the VPLS domain. 

R1#sh l2vpn atom vc | in E_TREE
pw13     13         vfi    E_TREE                   UP
pw16     16         vfi    E_TREE                   UP

Here we can see that the 2 PWs, 1 to R3 and 1 to R6 are both up. 

R1#sh bridge-domain 800
Bridge-domain 800 (4 ports in all)
State: UP                    Mac learning: Enabled
Aging-Timer: 300 second(s)
    GigabitEthernet2 service instance 800
    vfi E_TREE neighbor 15
    vfi E_TREE neighbor 13
    vfi E_TREE neighbor 16
   AED MAC address    Policy  Tag       Age  Pseudoport
   0   000C.2990.89E9 forward dynamic   299  GigabitEthernet2.EFP800
   1   FFFF.FFFF.FFFF flood   static    0    OLIST_PTR:0xe8790900
   0   000C.29BA.0E21 forward dynamic   300  E_TREE.1004030
   0   000C.2994.B818 forward dynamic   297  E_TREE.1004034

We can see that R1 is learning MAC addresses from R3 and R6, as well as from the EFP which is attached to R13. Clearly it's working, but here's the thing, R1 has 2 connections, R3 and R6 will only have 1 each.

R3#sh l2vpn atom vc | in E_TREE
pw31     13         vfi    E_TREE                   UP

R3#sh bridge-domain 800
Bridge-domain 800 (2 ports in all)
State: UP                    Mac learning: Enabled
Aging-Timer: 300 second(s)
    GigabitEthernet2 service instance 800
    vfi E_TREE neighbor 13
   AED MAC address    Policy  Tag       Age  Pseudoport
   0   000C.2990.89E9 forward dynamic   299  E_TREE.1004019
   1   FFFF.FFFF.FFFF flood   static    0    OLIST_PTR:0xe7f4ecf0
   0   000C.29BA.0E21 forward dynamic   299  GigabitEthernet2.EFP800

R6#sh l2vpn atom vc | in E_TREE
pw61     16         vfi    E_TREE                   UP

R6#show bridge-domain 800
Bridge-domain 800 (2 ports in all)
State: UP                    Mac learning: Enabled
Aging-Timer: 300 second(s)
    GigabitEthernet2 service instance 800
    vfi E_TREE neighbor 16
   AED MAC address    Policy  Tag       Age  Pseudoport
   0   000C.2990.89E9 forward dynamic   298  E_TREE.100402a
   1   FFFF.FFFF.FFFF flood   static    0    OLIST_PTR:0xe87208f0
   0   000C.2994.B818 forward dynamic   300  GigabitEthernet2.EFP800

So we see that R3 and R6 both connect to R1. Let's see what the customer sees

R1 has 2 connections, 1 to R10 and the other to R7.
R13#sh ip eigrp nei
EIGRP-IPv4 Neighbors for AS(1)
H   Address                 Interface              Hold Uptime   SRTT   RTO  Q  Seq
                                                   (sec)         (ms)       Cnt Num
14           Gi2.800                  14 01:22:46  152   912  0  315
13            Gi2.800                  10 01:23:07    1  4500  0  46

R7 and R10 both connect just to R13.
R7#sh ip eigrp nei
EIGRP-IPv4 Neighbors for AS(1)
H   Address                 Interface              Hold Uptime   SRTT   RTO  Q  Seq
                                                   (sec)         (ms)       Cnt Num
5           Gi1.800                  14 01:23:49   93   558  0  353

R10#sh ip eigrp nei
EIGRP-IPv4 Neighbors for AS(1)
H   Address                 Interface              Hold Uptime   SRTT   RTO  Q  Seq
                                                   (sec)         (ms)       Cnt Num
10           Gi1.800                  14 01:23:43   57   342  0  362

So we can see that the E-TREE design is operational. Again, we could have offered the design to the customer for them to configure some overlay, like Phase 1 DMVPN. Which effectively would achieve the same result as our E-TREE design, but that wasn't the point here. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Rob Riker, CCIE #50693

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