Thursday, November 24, 2016

CCIE SPv4 - MPLS L2VPN - Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS) Port Based

Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
In this post we will take a look at VPLS or Virtual Private LAN Service. This takes what we have previously covered in AToM or EPL/EVPL/QinQ and expands on it. The concept of a pseudowire and the service instance are ported over from the P2P style of AToM to the MP2MP style of VPLS. The main difference being the VPLS emulates/acts like a LAN segment commonly found in an Enterprise network. This enables a customer with multiple sites to connect to a common L2 Ethernet based service like VPLS or E-LAN and have connectivity to all other sites joined to that same service. 

There are a few things that we need to cover in regards to VPLS before we hit the configuration. I didn't go into a ton of detail in P2P L2 Services but I will here just to bring you up to speed on the concepts/terms so that you'll be able to take what you already know from AToM/E-Line to VPLS/E-LAN. 

Basically VPLS is a full mesh of pseudowires. Each PE has a connected to every other PE in an N*N-1/2. Basically if you have 4 PEs, Each PE will be connected to all other PEs, Just like you would have in iBGP full mesh of connections. So there are a few terms we need to hit before we move on.

Service instance - Basically this is the configuration that goes at the interface level that is used to abstract the Service from the interface, where with AToM you would configure the xconnect at the interface level. The service instance allows you to specify the SI-ID or # you will call later from the bridge domain.

L2VPN VFI - The virtual forwarding instance is a logical construct used to "aggregate" the pseudowires under a common entity. The VFI also has a VPN ID number that is used for signaling between the PEs. The PWs are aggregated or bound to the VFI similar in to how you would bundle GigE interfaces to an Etherchannel or T1s to a Multilink PPP interface. There is no aggregation of bandwidth or redundancy so it's not 1 for 1 but more of the grouping of interfaces. 

Bridge-Domain - This is the "Broadcast" domain if you will that is used to connect the different PEs to each other. This VLAN like behavior is where the CAM table is built for each BD, each PW connection into the BD is another "port" attached to the BD. There is a broadcast capability for flooding capabilities and a split horizon concept. The SH concept in you won't send a frame out the interface it was received in on, it's assumed the destination isn't where the traffic came from. Since there is a CAM table function, and a flooding function, it's implied that MAC address flooding does take place and that's true, the CE interface MAC connecting to the VPLS service is learned and propagated to all the PEs participating. That also implies that there is an upper limit to how many MACs can be learned per PE/Bridge Domain. 

Ethernet Flow Point - The Service instance described earlier is what this enables. The type of traffic/port/VLAN/QinQ/or VLAN Acrobatics are configured under the service instance and based on where traffic is received and handled is what the EFP takes care of by mapping the inbound traffic to the appropriate L2 forwarding service. We'll take a much deeper look at PW capabilities and EVC rewrite functions later. 

Pseudowire - This is a logical construct like it's above counterparts used to map the encapsulation and the neighbor that we will be connecting to, only one neighbor can be defined, together to be called by the VFI later on.

So a quick recap, the "service instance" is configured under the interface and dictates the type of service to be implemented (Port/VLAN/QinQ/ETC). The "pseudowire" is configured globally with "interface pseudowire 100". The "pseudowire" is called by the "VFI". The "Bridge domain" is the VLAN that binds all of this together, the interface level service instance and the VFI are both referenced under the bridge domain configuration and this is where you will see the "VPLS" component come live. 

We'll go ahead can get this configured on R3, R5, R6 and XR1. XR1 is done to show that is supported in the control plane and that's about it. The CSRs (R3, 5 and 6) support VPLS in the control plane and data plane. 

interface GigabitEthernet3
 no ip address
 service instance 1356 ethernet
  encapsulation default

interface pseudowire35
 encapsulation mpls
 neighbor 35
interface pseudowire36
 encapsulation mpls
 neighbor 36
interface pseudowire311
 encapsulation mpls
 neighbor 311

l2vpn vfi context VPLS
 vpn id 1356
 member pseudowire311
 member pseudowire36
 member pseudowire35

bridge-domain 1356
 member GigabitEthernet3 service-instance 1356
 member vfi VPLS

So the above config is the order in which I configured and have had success getting VPLS up and running. Set the Service Instance under the interface (encap default says to accept anything - Port Based config). The interface pseudowires specify who you will connect to and the encapsulation being used, MPLS in this case.  The l2vpn vfi is the "VPLS" configuration, binds the PWs together with the VPN ID being it's identifier. The Bridge domain is the broadcast domain. Since VPLS is a collection of PWs like AToM or EPL, it can be verified as such. The remaining devices below.

interface GigabitEthernet2
 no ip address
 service instance 1356 ethernet
  encapsulation default

interface pseudowire35
 encapsulation mpls
 neighbor 35
interface pseudowire56
 encapsulation mpls
 neighbor 56

l2vpn vfi context VPLS
 vpn id 1356
 member pseudowire56
 member pseudowire35
 member 511 encapsulation mpls

bridge-domain 1356
 member GigabitEthernet2 service-instance 1356
 member vfi VPLS

As you can see above, you can mix and match the configuration almost interchangeably as you see fit. Kind of a mix of old and new configs. 

interface GigabitEthernet2
 no ip address
 service instance 1356 ethernet
  encapsulation default

l2vpn vfi context VPLS
 vpn id 1356
 member 611 encapsulation mpls
 member 56 encapsulation mpls
 member 36 encapsulation mpls

bridge-domain 1356
 member GigabitEthernet2 service-instance 1356
 member vfi VPLS

I ended up not even using the PW configuration here as a separate syntax, More or less just testing functionality out. 

interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2

l2vpn  !
 bridge group VPLS
  bridge-domain VPLS
   interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2
   vfi VPLS
    neighbor pw-id 311
    neighbor pw-id 511
    neighbor pw-id 611

XR's syntax is very similar, the main difference you'll see is that with the interface, you have to specify the role the interface will play. In this case it's layer 2 transport. In EPL, this configuration, l2transport at the physical interface level is all that was supported. I will test functionality out with l2transport under a sibinterface, which has to be configured separately. 

The PW configuration, like on R6s is completely configured under the L2 VPN configuration mode. 

So at this point the entire lab is configured, mind you I had to remove the previous configuration for EPLs. Verification time on the PE side first.

R3#show l2vpn vfi
Legend: RT=Route-target, S=Split-horizon, Y=Yes, N=No

VFI name: VPLS, state: up, type: multipoint, signaling: LDP
  VPN ID: 1356
  Bridge-Domain 1356 attachment circuits:
  Pseudo-port interface: pseudowire100017
  Interface          Peer Address     VC ID        S
  pseudowire311     311          Y
  pseudowire36      36           Y
  pseudowire35      35           Y

R3#show xconnect all
Legend:    XC ST=Xconnect State  S1=Segment1 State  S2=Segment2 State
  UP=Up       DN=Down            AD=Admin Down      IA=Inactive
  SB=Standby  HS=Hot Standby     RV=Recovering      NH=No Hardware

XC ST  Segment 1                         S1 Segment 2                         S2
UP pri  vfi VPLS                         UP mpls             UP
UP pri  vfi VPLS                         UP mpls               UP
UP pri  vfi VPLS                         UP mpls               UP
UP pri   bd 1356                         UP  vfi VPLS                         UP

Regardless of how you verify it, you pretty much can see that the output gives you similar outputs. 

R3#show xconnect all detail
Legend:    XC ST=Xconnect State  S1=Segment1 State  S2=Segment2 State
  UP=Up       DN=Down            AD=Admin Down      IA=Inactive
  SB=Standby  HS=Hot Standby     RV=Recovering      NH=No Hardware

XC ST  Segment 1                         S1 Segment 2                         S2
UP pri  vfi VPLS                         UP mpls             UP
                                                 Local VC label 309
                                                 Remote VC label 24111

UP pri  vfi VPLS                         UP mpls               UP
                                                 Local VC label 312
                                                 Remote VC label 611

UP pri  vfi VPLS                         UP mpls               UP
                                                 Local VC label 310
                                                 Remote VC label 500

UP pri   bd 1356                         UP  vfi VPLS                         UP

R3#show l2vpn atom vc vcid 35 detail
pseudowire35 is up, VC status is up PW type: Ethernet
  Create time: 04:21:44, last status change time: 04:17:10
    Last label FSM state change time: 04:17:10
  Destination address: VC ID: 35
    Output interface: Gi1.34, imposed label stack {403 500}
    Preferred path: not configured
    Default path: active
    Next hop:
  Member of vfi service VPLS
    Bridge-Domain id: 1356
    Service id: 0xe6000005
  Signaling protocol: LDP, peer up
    Targeted Hello: Id) ->, LDP is UP

The outputs from the other routers look almost identical. Lets check out XR1 for some change of pace.

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#show l2vpn bridge-domain
Thu Nov 24 02:52:14.316 UTC
Legend: pp = Partially Programmed.
Bridge group: VPLS, bridge-domain: VPLS, id: 0, state: up, ShgId: 0, MSTi: 0
  Aging: 300 s, MAC limit: 4000, Action: none, Notification: syslog
  Filter MAC addresses: 0
  ACs: 1 (1 up), VFIs: 1, PWs: 3 (3 up), PBBs: 0 (0 up)
  List of ACs:
    Gi0/0/0/2, state: up, Static MAC addresses: 0
  List of Access PWs:
  List of VFIs:
    VFI VPLS (up)
      Neighbor pw-id 311, state: up, Static MAC addresses: 0
      Neighbor pw-id 511, state: up, Static MAC addresses: 0
      Neighbor pw-id 611, state: up, Static MAC addresses: 0

RP/0/0/CPU0:XR1#show l2vpn bridge-domain  neighbor detail
Thu Nov 24 02:52:34.155 UTC
Legend: pp = Partially Programmed.
Bridge group: VPLS, bridge-domain: VPLS, id: 0, state: up, ShgId: 0, MSTi: 0
  Coupled state: disabled
  MAC learning: enabled
  MAC withdraw: enabled
    MAC withdraw for Access PW: enabled
    MAC withdraw sent on: bridge port up
    MAC withdraw relaying (access to access): disabled
    Broadcast & Multicast: enabled
    Unknown unicast: enabled
  MAC aging time: 300 s, Type: inactivity
  MAC limit: 4000, Action: none, Notification: syslog
  MAC limit reached: no
  MAC port down flush: enabled
  MAC Secure: disabled, Logging: disabled
  Split Horizon Group: none
  Dynamic ARP Inspection: disabled, Logging: disabled
  IP Source Guard: disabled, Logging: disabled
  DHCPv4 snooping: disabled
  IGMP Snooping: enabled
  IGMP Snooping profile: none
  MLD Snooping profile: none
  Storm Control: disabled
  Bridge MTU: 1500
  MIB cvplsConfigIndex: 1
  Filter MAC addresses:
  P2MP PW: disabled
  Create time: 23/11/2016 23:17:33 (03:35:00 ago)
  No status change since creation
  ACs: 1 (1 up), VFIs: 1, PWs: 1 (1 up), PBBs: 0 (0 up)
  List of Access PWs:
  List of VFIs:
    VFI VPLS (up)
      PW: neighbor, PW ID 611, state is up ( established )
        PW class not set, XC ID 0xff000005
        Encapsulation MPLS, protocol LDP
        Source address
        PW type Ethernet, control word disabled, interworking none
        Sequencing not set

        PW Status TLV in use
          MPLS         Local                          Remote
          ------------ ------------------------------ -------------------------
          Label        24115                          613
          Group ID     0x0                            0x0
          Interface    VPLS                           unknown
          MTU          1500                           1500
          Control word disabled                       disabled
          PW type      Ethernet                       Ethernet
          VCCV CV type 0x2                            0x2
                       (LSP ping verification)        (LSP ping verification)
          VCCV CC type 0x6                            0x6
                       (router alert label)           (router alert label)
                       (TTL expiry)                   (TTL expiry)
          ------------ ------------------------------ -------------------------
        Incoming Status (PW Status TLV):
          Status code: 0x0 (Up) in Notification message
        MIB cpwVcIndex: 4278190085
        Create time: 23/11/2016 23:17:33 (03:35:00 ago)
        Last time status changed: 23/11/2016 23:41:25 (03:11:08 ago)
        Last time PW went down: 23/11/2016 23:39:55 (03:12:38 ago)
        MAC withdraw messages: sent 0, received 0
        Static MAC addresses:
          packets: received 0, sent 0
          bytes: received 0, sent 0
        Storm control drop counters:
          packets: broadcast 0, multicast 0, unknown unicast 0
          bytes: broadcast 0, multicast 0, unknown unicast 0
      DHCPv4 snooping: disabled
      IGMP Snooping profile: none
      MLD Snooping profile: none
      VFI Statistics:
        drops: illegal VLAN 0, illegal length 0

Now let's check a PE to see what the bridge domain is doing.

R3#show bridge-domain
Bridge-domain 1356 (4 ports in all)
State: UP                    Mac learning: Enabled
Aging-Timer: 300 second(s)
    GigabitEthernet3 service instance 1356
    vfi VPLS neighbor 35
    vfi VPLS neighbor 36
    vfi VPLS neighbor 311
   AED MAC address    Policy  Tag       Age  Pseudoport
   0   000C.2994.B818 forward dynamic   296  VPLS.100401e
   0   000C.29BB.45EF forward dynamic   299  VPLS.100401d
   1   FFFF.FFFF.FFFF flood   static    0    OLIST_PTR:0xe7f86020
   0   000C.29C9.1F5C forward dynamic   295  GigabitEthernet3.EFP1356

The outputs above indicate that traffic is active and forwarding. I actually have OSPFv2/v3 configured on the CE side so this table will never age out. Just like a regular switch you can see that the CAM table as an aging timer, you can see the associated service instance tied to the VFI. I kept the numbering the same, 1356, for simplifying verification. 

Now to see the CE side.

R8#sh ip ospf nei

Neighbor ID     Pri   State           Dead Time   Address         Interface        1   FULL/BDR        00:00:39      GigabitEthernet1       1   FULL/DR         00:00:35     GigabitEthernet1

R8#sh ospfv3 nei

          OSPFv3 1 address-family ipv6 (router-id

Neighbor ID     Pri   State           Dead Time   Interface ID    Interface        1   FULL/BDR        00:00:37    7               GigabitEthernet1       1   FULL/DROTHER    00:00:33    7               GigabitEthernet1

R8#sh ipv6 route ospf
IPv6 Routing Table - default - 7 entries
O   FC00:9::9/128 [110/1]
     via FE80::20C:29FF:FEBB:45EF, GigabitEthernet1
O   FC00:10::10/128 [110/1]
     via FE80::20C:29FF:FE94:B818, GigabitEthernet1

As you can see I have learned routes from R9 and R10. Let's try pinging those addresses.

R8#ping FC00:9::9
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FC00:9::9, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/15/30 ms

R8#ping FC00:10::10
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to FC00:10::10, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 2/16/30 ms

Awesome! We have reachability, now if I was to trace to those addresses you'll see that we're only 1 hop away.

R8#traceroute FC00:9::9
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to FC00:9::9

  1 2001:1:100::9 20 msec 2 msec 1 msec

R13#sh ospfv3 interface brief
Interface    PID   Area            AF         Cost  State Nbrs F/C
Gi1          1     0               ipv6       1     DR    0/0

R13#sh ospfv3 neighbor

As you can see on R13, who is connected to XR1, doesn't form any adjacencies. This is due to the dataplane not working on XRv. I haven't tested this on XRv9K yet, but I do have the intention to do that. Stay tuned.

Now let's take a look at the control plane from a debug output. We'll take a look at if from the L2VPN VFI FSM event standpoint first.

debug l2vpn vfi fsm event

From R3
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Processing client Update message
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Circuit attributes from client:
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Payload encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Update VC type not needed
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Processing client Update message
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Circuit attributes from client:
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Payload encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Loadbalance mode: None
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Loadbalance Flow class: none
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Update VC type not needed
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Processing client Update message
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Circuit attributes from client:
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  i/f: 4003
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Status: UP (0x1)
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Payload encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Circuit Encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  VCCV CC: 0x6
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Segment type: AToM
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Control Word: yes
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Fast Switchover: no
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  MTU: 1500
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  I/F Str: pw35
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]:  Circuit string:
XC VFI VC[pw100003]: Num pws up for bd_id 54C pw_count 2
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: client update received for bd_id 54C all_up 0 pw up count 2
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: Update VC type not needed
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: VFI-PW segment bind occured
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw35]: VFI-PW segment bind occured

The bolded portions, the payload is Ethernet based on the service instance and the encapsulation is default, VLAN ID being "0". Status is up and the payload and circuit encap are both Ethernet. VCCV CC is 0x6 meaning IPv6. The MTU is 1500 and the peer is meaning R3 and a PW ID of 35.

From R6
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Processing client Update message
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Circuit attributes from client:
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Payload encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Update VC type not needed
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Processing client Update message
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Circuit attributes from client:
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Payload encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Loadbalance mode: None
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Loadbalance Flow class: none
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Update VC type not needed
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Processing client Update message
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Circuit attributes from client:
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  i/f: 4004
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Status: UP (0x1)
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Payload encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Circuit Encap: Ethernet
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  VCCV CC: 0x6
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Segment type: AToM
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Control Word: yes
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Fast Switchover: no
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  MTU: 1500
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  I/F Str: pw56
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]:  Circuit string:
XC VFI VC[pw100003]: Num pws up for bd_id 54C pw_count 3
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: client update received for bd_id 54C all_up 1 pw up count 3
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: Update VC type not needed
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: VFI-PW segment bind occured
XC VFI VC[VPLS/pw56]: VFI-PW segment bind occured

It's pretty easy to identify where the traffic is coming from with the pwxx output in there.
Same as above, the all is the identical except the peer is R6 with PW ID of 56.

The next output is from ATOM LDP, I only bounced the R3 VFI this time.

debug mpls l2transport signaling event
debug mpls l2transport signaling message detail

R5#show debug

AToM LDP event debugging is on
AToM LDP message detail debugging is on

AToM LDP[]: Received label withdraw msg, id 90774, GR instance 4 - 1
AToM LDP[]:   VC Type   5, c-bit, mtu 0
AToM LDP[]:   VC ID     35, label 308
AToM LDP[]:   Group     0
AToM LDP[]: Sending label release msg - 2
AToM LDP[]:   VC Type   5, c-bit, mtu 0
AToM LDP[]:   VC ID     35, label 308
AToM LDP[]:   Group     0
AToM LDP[]: Received label mapping msg, id 90778, GR instance 4 - 3
AToM LDP[]:   VC Type   5, c-bit, mtu 1500
AToM LDP[]:   VC ID     35, label 304
AToM LDP[]:   Group     0
AToM LDP[]:   Status    0x28 [PW Status]
AToM LDP[]:   PW Status 0x0(0x1) [UP]

The first 2 bolded lines indicate that the R3 was removing the configuration, R3 had the bridge-domain shutdown which is why the withdraw is sent from

The third bolded line is an update from R3 stating that the bridge-domain is now up, The VC Type is 5 and the c bit is there, meaning that the AC is Ethernet (VC Type 5) and the control word is being sent. The MTU is identified and you see the VC ID of 35 and the label applied is 304, meaning R3 assigned label 304 for that connection.

R3#show mpls l2transport vc 35 detail
Local interface: VFI VPLS vfi up
  Interworking type is Ethernet
  Destination address:, VC ID: 35, VC status: up
    Output interface: Gi1.34, imposed label stack {403 500}

Label 500 was assigned by R5 for the connection to R3. Label 403 was assigned by LDP to get from R3 to R5

R3#show mpls l2transport vc 35 detail | in labels
    MPLS VC labels: local 322, remote 500

Label 322 is the local label applied by R3 for the L2ckt, there is no outgoing label as 403 is assigned fro that.

R3#sh mpls forwarding-table
318        403   890252        Gi1.34

R5#show l2vpn atom vc vcid 35 detail
pseudowire35 is up, VC status is up PW type: Ethernet
  Create time: 18:53:52, last status change time: 00:47:47
    Last label FSM state change time: 00:47:47
  Destination address: VC ID: 35
    Output interface: Gi1.45, imposed label stack {402 322}

R5#show mpls forwarding-table
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
516        402   4799307       Gi1.45

Thanks for stopping by!
Rob Riker, CCIE #50693

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