Sunday, November 20, 2016

CCIE SPv4 - MPLS - Dynamic and Static Label Ranges

Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
We haven't discussed this yet in this section but just as important to our previous post is the label ranges each LSR will allocate to local labels. Currently, IOS and IOS XR routers are allocating the same starting points, 16 for IOS and 24000 for IOS XR. I am going to disable MPLS on all the routers, and configure a label range for each router. R1-R6 is going to be 100-199, 200-299 etc. IOS XR will follow suit, XR1-XR6 is going to be 24100-24199, 24200-24299 etc. I can't see us neededing more than 100 labels per LSR. 

At the same time we do this we can also allocate static label ranges for IOS. This will be needed a bit later when we need to allocate a label range for static configuration of labels. R1-R6 will use 1100-1199, 2200-2299 etc. This is to make it obvious which router is doing what.

Since we already have MPLS running everywhere, we'll have to disable it.

router ospf 1
no mpls ldp autoconfig

router ospf 1
area 0 
no mpls ldp auto-config
no mpls ldp

OK, now that MPLS has been disabled, we'll go ahead and set the ranges we need. I'll configure them here the way they need to be setup and then copy them into the CLI.

mpls label range 100 199 static 1100 1199

mpls label range 200 299 static 2200 2299

mpls label range 300 399 static 3300 3399

mpls label range 400 499 static 4400 4499

mpls label range 500 599 static 5500 5599

mpls label range 600 699 static 6600 6699

mpls label range table 0 24100 24199

mpls label range table 0 24200 24299

mpls label range table 0 24300 24399

mpls label range table 0 24400 24499

mpls label range table 0 24500 24599

mpls label range table 0 24600 24699

Now the fun begins!

Let's enable MPLS everywhere with autoconfig.

router ospf 1
mpls ldp autoconfig

router ospf 1
area 0
mpls ldp auto
mpls ldp

I want to keep the LIB as small as possible, so we are going to enable global host routes for IOS and XR.

mpls ldp label
 allocate global host-routes

mpls ldp
 address-family ipv4

    allocate for host-routes

Now we can quick verfiy on R1 our LFIB.
R1#sh mpls forwarding-table
*Nov 20 23:11:28.726: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
114        24204   0             Gi1.112
           24502   0             Gi1.115
115        24122   0             Gi1.111
           24515   0             Gi1.115
116        24516   0             Gi1.115
117        24208   0             Gi1.112
           24517   0             Gi1.115
118        24205   0             Gi1.112
           24518   0             Gi1.115
119        Pop Label  0             Gi1.111
120        Pop Label  0             Gi1.112
121        24201  0             Gi1.112
122        24100  0             Gi1.111
           24501  0             Gi1.115
123        Pop Label  1121          Gi1.115
124        24203  0             Gi1.112
           24503  0             Gi1.115

Awesome, all /32 prefixes are in there.

Now we get to the meat and taters of this setup, we've already hit the label range options. Specifically, if you look at the the output for, you'll see the label values already showing specifics. 24203 connects is from XR2 and 24503 is from XR5. So we know who are directly connected next hops are.

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