Sunday, February 5, 2017

CCIE SPv4 - MPLS Traffic Engineering - Directing Traffic to the TE Tunnel - Static Routing

Software versions:
IOS XE 15.5
IOS XR 5.3

The topology for this demo:
In this post, we will begin taking customer traffic and mapping it to the TE tunnel. There are several options available, so we'll take the first option, which you have seen in previous posts, static routing. Super simple to implement, relatively easy to verify, we'll take a look at both IOS and IOS XR for all of our examples. 

Static routing for TE tunnels is the simplest, effectively you are telling the TE headend how to get to the PE remote end. R3 will be sending traffic to XR1, remember that TE tunnels are unidirectional in nature. I have used TE tunnels from previous posts to leverage in this and future ones. I won't focus on tunnel creation but more on the steering of traffic over the tunnel. The tunnel we want to use is up and operational.

mpls traffic-eng lsp attributes DUAL_COLOR
 affinity 0x11 mask 0x11

interface Tunnel3
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 tunnel mode mpls traffic-eng
 tunnel destination
 tunnel mpls traffic-eng path-option 3 dynamic attributes DUAL_COLOR

ip route Tunnel3

R3#show mpls traffic-eng tunnels tunnel 3

Name: R3_t3                               (Tunnel3) Destination:
    Admin: up         Oper: up     Path: valid       Signalling: connected
    path option 3, type dynamic (Basis for Setup, path weight 2)
RSVP Path Info:
      My Address:
      Explicit Route:

As we can see, the tunnel is up and working, pointing to XR1 in this case.

R3#sh ip route
Routing entry for
  Known via "static", distance 1, metric 0 (connected)
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
    directly connected, via Tunnel3
      Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1

Since we have configured a static route to steer traffic over the TE tunnel, we have an exit interface of Tunnel 3.

R3#sh ip cef detail, epoch 2, flags [attached], per-destination sharing
  local label info: global/30
  3 RR sources [non-eos indirection, heavily shared]
  attached to Tunnel3

We see that the CEF table has allocated a global label of 30 and an exit of Tunnel3.

R3#sh mpls forwarding-table labels 30 detail
Local      Outgoing   Prefix           Bytes Label   Outgoing   Next Hop
Label      Label      or Tunnel Id     Switched      interface
30         Pop Label  0             Tu3        point2point
        MAC/Encaps=18/22, MRU=1500, Label Stack{24011}, via Gi1.143
        000C29769933000C290626448100008F8847 05DCB000
        No output feature configured
    Per-destination load-sharing, slots: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

The transport label we'll use is 24011 to get to XR4. We'll do an MPLS traceroute to see if the core is correct.

R3#traceroute mpls traffic-eng tunnel 3
Type escape sequence to abort.
  0 MRU 1500 [Labels: 24011 Exp: 0]
L 1 MRU 1500 [Labels: implicit-null Exp: 0] 9 ms
! 2 8 ms

The core trace looks good. let's verify from R8 to R12.

R8#sh ip route vrf BGP

Routing Table: BGP
Routing entry for
  Known via "bgp 8", distance 20, metric 0
  Tag 50693, type external
  Last update from 00:00:12 ago
  Routing Descriptor Blocks:
  *, from, 00:00:12 ago
      Route metric is 0, traffic share count is 1
      AS Hops 2
      Route tag 50693
      MPLS label: none

We can see that normal BGP route propagation is working as expected. We see a route to R12's lo12121212 in R8's VRF BGP RIB.

R8#traceroute vrf BGP source
Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to
VRF info: (vrf in name/id, vrf out name/id)
  1 3 msec 1 msec 0 msec
  2 [MPLS: Labels 24011/24027 Exp 0] 8 msec 5 msec 6 msec
  3 [MPLS: Label 24027 Exp 0] 5 msec 17 msec 20 msec
  4 24 msec *  10 msec

Seeing label 24011 as the transport label shows us that the TE tunnel is being used.

Thanks for stopping by!
Rob Riker, CCIE #50693

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