Hello everyone! Been a while and I apologize for the delay. I unfortunately fell victim to the ever changing technology drifts between projects, a couple job changes and simply not committing when I should have. It's taken me over 3 years to work through the CCIE Service Provider blueprint. In my eyes way too long. It took me 5 attempts at the CCIE SP written exam to finally pass it, it was the most difficult test thus far in my career to pass.
I passed about a month ago and since then I have been prepping for the lab exam which has been scheduled. It's close, I don't like giving dates out but we'll say around Thanksgiving if your in the US. The goal is to knock out the lab exam and be done with this beast.
I am planning a "lab" series of blog posts that will cover the blueprint pretty well. Like the series I had put together a long time ago but failed to keep up.... My goal isn't to post a post that gives out a dissertation of the technology, rather a lab, some context around the goal and then configuration and verification. I can circle back later and put some videos together that I'll post on YouTube that dive into the technologies and break them down.
I've been having a lot of fun digging back into the weeds again which allows me to really dig into a technology and learn it without the stress of video production and other extraneous things. I can take my time to lay it out. I am hoping that this "lab" series will be useful for someone else as either a technology guide for a certification or to help them get something running. Either way, it's free and for your use if you need it. I will stress that the demos you'll see are my interpretation of the technologies and not a steadfast rule on how to use them.
Thanks for all the support!